Motorcycle Commuting: the end is nigh

I did not take the bike to work today. I took the cage for two reasons, namely it was a bit cold (32F) and the road was coated in white. I would like to say this white coat the road wore was snow. In which case it would melt away eventually and the road would…

The Direct Motive behind Daylight Saving Revealed

Ever since I can remember I have been against the changing of time partway through the year. Living in Boston for the past nine years has made this change even more egregious. Below if an inforgraphic taken from which seems to clearly display the direct reason behind Daylight Saving Time, which is to keep…

New and Updated Triples

I love me some three-cylinder engine for the street. Four-cylinder engines are very top-end biased, leaving the rider wanting in the low-mid range so useful for so much of civilian riding, and two-cylinder engines are usually low-end biased leaving the rider without the fun of wringing it out coming out of a turn onto a…