
If you have ever wanted to download my music, now you can. Just click on the Download icon at the bottom and you will be able to download all of the music available on this site, plus more. Currently, it downloads as one big .zip file. This will be enhanced in the future.This has been…

The iPhone plague

Since I love the iPhone so much and everything in the world is being influenced by the iPhone, I have designed the top navigation buttons to be reminiscent of the iPhone app icons. Otherwise I have been busy with school but keep on writing but don’t find the time to record. For more frequent updates…


No, your browser isn’t broken. I have turned off the auto-play function of the music player. This way you can opt in to music. On a separate note, you can now follow me on My twitter updates will show on the right side of this blog as well.

Site update and

Hello, all ye faithful frequenters of have just heard about on the Wall Street Journal podcast and I thought that I would check it out. It looked cool enough for me to give it a try, though I don’t expect to have the marketing abilities in order to get enough people to vote…

MacWorld Expo

I need to say it and get it out of my system……………….. I am really excited about the Macworld expo. Even though I don’t think I will want to buy any of the new products this year, it will still be really cool and as nerdy as it sounds, I can’t wait to watch the…

YouTube and Photos

The Photos button now directs you to a slide show of photos. I will be adding more photos to this slide show in the near future. Hopefully it will give you something more to look at. In addition to that there is a new link at the bottom of the page. For those of you…

The return of the Blog…

I have received some great news in the very recent past and for that reason the blog is returning to action. You may notice some improvements about the blog. The main being that it now displays in the main frame of my website. I am no longer kicking you to another website to read my…