motorcycle accesories – part III

Finally, my installation of two very basic yet important motorcycle accessories has come to completion. As you may remember from Part I and Part II, I have been working on installing a USB charger and grip heaters to my 2006 Yamaha FZ1. This latest delay was caused by difficulties in acquiring an air compressor in…

motorcycle accessories – part II

Well, it’s taken me longer than I would have liked, and it’s still going on while I wait for my air compressor. However I wanted to provide an update. In part I I was able to wire in a switched +12v line and a -bat line and route it to the front of the bike.…

motorcycle accessories – part I

For Christmas I had asked for the supplies and tools to put an accessory cigarette lighter on my 2006 Yamaha FZ1. I have been using my iPhone with the MotionX GPS app to track where I ride. It’s fun but it eats up the battery. In addition, our Garmin Nuvi 350 is getting on in…

my ideas for Garmin

Garmin, is a diversified GPS giant. They seem to be everywhere but in a very conservative stand. What I mean by that is they make sure they are involved in a lot of different areas and segments but don’t jump head first (or wallet first) into a niche market. My team did a in depth…