iOS 4.0 on the iPhone 3G

Today, I, along with countless others, have upgraded to iOS 4.0. I have an iPhone 3G and therefore do not have all of the cool features, most notably multitasking, that others will enjoy. I can say that after the long two hour upgrade process I am pleased with the look and function of the phone. I have gone from six pages of apps to one page with many folders. I am unsure if this is how it will stay but I am trying it out.

One idea I have, after sorting through my apps to put them in folders, is that iTunes should have a “sort by frequency” in one of the app sections. This would allow me to really see how often I use apps to help me sort them.

My main gripe so far is lack of Gmail Exchange functionality. I am not the only one as I have seen a thread on Apple support forums. Right now my contacts are about 1/3 full on my phone. The mail seems to be receiving but not always updating the server when read. The calendar seems to be working. Yet my contacts do not work properly. Hopefully Apple and / or Google will remedy the issue very soon.

thanks for reading my iOS 4.0 post among the thousands of others that will come out today and tomorrow.

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