iPad: not a Kindle killer

As we all know Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, announced a new Apple product today. For better or worse this product is called the iPad. While I don’t like this name, I understand why they chose it. The word tablet is associated with a PC or full computer. That combined with the fact that the iPad is merely an oversized iPod Touch, the iPad makes sense. However, perhaps iSlate would have been better.

Now to the point, Kindle users purchase the Kindle in order to read books and periodicals. This is the only reason they purchase the Kindle, and the Kindle fills this need quite well. The interface is intuitive enough do promote a positive user experience and the eInk is incredible and easy on the eyes.

The iPad is a web device, and millions of people will buy it for that purpose, however ebook reading is a tertiary function of the iPad. While reading from the iPad may be more physically comfortable than a laptop, however it will not be any easier on the eyes.

The price of the iPad is also somewhat inhibiting to ebook customers. The iPad starts at $499 and goes up quickly for 3G connection and increased storage. The kindle on the other hand starts at $259 and goes up to $489. So, either way, the Kindle is cheaper and has a well established ebook store.

It is of my opinion that there are still enough users out there who want an ebook reader that is an ebook reader and that’s it. The iTab will sell and sell a lot, however, it’s primary use will be for more web oriented activities.

I could see myself browsing the web and responding to emails on it while sitting on my couch, however I don’t see myself reading a book from the iPad.

One thought on “iPad: not a Kindle killer

  1. I main reason I like the kindle is because the screen is designed not to hurt your eyes. I watched the entire keynote for the iPad and I didn’t see any consideration like that for readers. I have an iPhone, and a Kindle reader, I don’t need an iPad.

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